How do we prepare for Mass?

October 29th, 2018

How do we prepare for playing at Mass? We practice, make sure we have all our music learnt, we check verses of hymns, psalms…have we left something off this list?

How do we really prepare to play for Mass?

Do we get excited the night before? After all, we are ministering to the Paschal Banquet (GIRM Art 72) – so shouldn’t we (as scriptures make reference to) come prepared and ‘dressed in our finest’? (Matthew 22:1-14)

In reality, though, how many times do we turn up to Mass in a bit of a rush, quickly prepare and then rattle our way through the various parts of the Mass not really thinking too much about what we are part of – or perhaps, yes, we were thinking about the 1st Reading but then we sort of almost mindlessly start up the psalm and…

Did we consider the time frame between the reading and the psalm so that those words sink into us and resound in us BEFORE we move on to the psalm?…and then open the refrain to the psalm so that it springs forth from the short period of silence?…prayerfully…so that we have really helped create something truly seamless in the fabric of the liturgy?

Our documents, after all, do make mention of silence and indeed the Roman Missal, itself, states that the Liturgy of the Word be celebrated ‘in such a way as to favour meditation’ and exhorts us to avoid haste (GIRM Art 56).

And overall, do we ever really stop to think how each note, each sound we make is actually heard by the Eternal One? And the effort, preparation and care we’ve put in is also known by Him more than anyone else…

Every acclamation, every short refrain, every small seemingly insignificant piece of organ improvisation…everything is so important when in the context of the sacred liturgy.


As liturgical musicians let’s remind ourselves that ultimately through our music and all our efforts, we really serve Him to whose name ‘every knee shall bow’ (Philippians 2:10) and to whom ‘be all praise, honour, glory and power for ever and ever.’ (Apocalypse 4: 13)