Giving to the Cathedral
Parishioners contribute to the Cathedral community in many ways, including financially, and this support is much appreciated. This help enables us to continue our presence and ministry in the heart of the city of Perth.
There are two collections taken up at every Sunday Mass:
- the first collection supports the priests of the Cathedral, and
- the second collection is used to support the Cathedral’s mission, as well as the maintenance, upkeep and operation of the Cathedral Parish.
Alternatively, the Cathedral also offers Parishioners an opportunity to donate through electronic means. You may do so by scanning the respective QR codes below to make a donation to either the first or second collection.
Planned Giving
Planned Giving is a commitment to give a nominated amount to the second collection and enables the Cathedral administration to budget, to establish programmes in the present and to plan for the future. It is also a concrete commitment on the part of our parishioners: they are saying that they will be giving a set amount to the Cathedral whatever that amount may be.
If you are interested, there are two ways of taking part in planned giving:
1. You may request a set of envelopes making a commitment to give a certain amount over the financial year. This may be weekly, fortnightly, monthly, biannually, whatever suits you. The envelopes would be placed in the second collection.
2. Or you may arrange to give by direct debit. If you give by direct debit you do not need to remember envelopes or about having the right amount for the second collection; the money will be taken at the intervals you specify from your nominated account. This direct debit may be stopped anytime you choose. Some parishioners who make use of direct debit feel naturally self-conscious about not putting anything in the second collection and we provide a set of envelopes for the use of our direct-debiters; the envelopes can be placed empty in the second collection.
If you wish to be set up for planned giving, please call the Cathedral Office at 9223 1350, or email cathedral @perthcatholic.org.au to make the arrangements.
Thank you for your contribution and we appreciate each and every member of our Cathedral community.
We appreciate each and every member of our Cathedral community.
God Bless.
Very Rev. Dr Sean Fernandez
Dean and Administrator