
Dear Parents,

Congratulations on the birth of your child. Thank you for expressing your desire to have your child welcomed into God’s family through Baptism. The day of a child’s Baptism is a very important day in their life, because through Baptism we are incorporated into the God’s Church and are reborn as sons and daughters of God.

There are three scheduled times available for the celebration of the sacrament: Saturday, 9.30am and 2pm at the Cathedral.

On Sunday the baptisms are at 12pm at the ProCathedral (this is the first Catholic Church in Perth; please see image below).

Up to three families may have their baptism in the same ceremony at a scheduled time. If you have any questions, please call the parish office.

If you would like to request a date and time for a baptism for your child, please  fill in the form below or scan the QR code. One of our parish receptionists will contact you in due course.

$100 is suggested for the Cathedral, to be placed in a white envelope marked ‘To Cathedral’ and dropped into one of the donation boxes located in the Cathedral foyer (underneath the TV monitor).
It is also usual to give a separate donation to the priest. Please place the donation in a separate envelope and hand it to the Priest on the day of the Baptism.


Should parents require a reprint of their child’s baptism certificate, please scan the QR code
QR Code for Jotform form