Orchestral Mass winds up for 2018

The 2018 Orchestral Mass has now wound up for the year with equipment and instruments been put away, new friendships being made and new experiences had. We have had some very enthusiastic feedback from members of the congregation – and some of our young musicians have also offered their reflections and impressions following the big event:

‘About the Mass…I really enjoyed singing in the Mass because you could make so many new friends and the conductors were awesome. Singing with the orchestra was a great experience, thank you so much Jacinta. I hope I have the chance to sing in a Mass again one day.’ – Joshua White

‘The Orchestral Mass was very beautiful especially with the different arrangements with the orchestra, and how it helps other schools become involved with the Cathedral’s music programme’.  – Max Germano (Cathedral chorister)

‘I really enjoyed the experience of making music with other people of my faith. It was really fun to be a part of bringing the entire Mass together, and worshipping God through music. The Orchestral Mass was an enjoyable experience that I would be delighted to attend again!’ – Aerin Chai

For details about the Orchestral Mass and the Cathedral’s Music Programme, please contact the Cathedral’s Director of Music, Jacinta Jakovcevic, at music.cathedral@perthcatholic.org.au