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Most Rev Timothy Costelloe SDB
Archbishop of Perth
Archbishop of Perth
St Mary’s Cathedral, Whadjuk Country, Perth
Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary
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Fr Sean Fernandez
Dean and Administrator
Dean and Administrator
Photo Library
- 03 NovCouples & Kids for Christ All Saints Day Parade
- 31 OctBishop Hosts Liturgical Service for Parish Priests & Appeal Reps
- 22 OctSacred Relic – Holy Hour and Talk by Rev Fr Kenneth Acosta
- 20 OctAboriginal Sunday Mass
- 18 OctMater Dei College Graduation Mass
- 17 OctTrinity College Graduation Mass
- 16 OctCorpus Christi College Graduation Mass
- 14 OctMercedes College Graduation Mass
- 13 OctUWA Cathedral Concert
- 15 SepConfirmations Mass
- 13 SepChild Protection Week Morning Tea
- 08 SepAve Maria Recital
- 06 SepSt Columba’s Bayswater Confirmation Mass
- 22 AugThe Western Australian Academy of Performing Arts Concert
- 15 Aug30th Anniversary of the Redemptorist Mater Seminary
- 11 AugUniversity of WA Choral Society Concert
- 11 AugParish Council BBQ
- 08 Aug“Lighting Up The Night” – St Mary’s Cathedral
- 04 AugVocations Thanksgiving Mass
- 31 JulEucharistic Celebration with Church Agencies
- 27 JulVigil Mass with First Holy Communion
- 21 JulOrchestral Mass
- 18 JulCatholic Arts Opening Mass & Hospitality
- 14 JulCatholic Secondary Principals Australian Conference Delegates
- 15 JunVigil Mass
- 23 MayOrdination to the Diaconate
- 19 MayConfirmations Mass
- 09 MayVocations Afternoon Tea
- 28 AprNotre Dame University Graduation Mass
- 19 AprOrdination
- 31 MarEaster Sunday – Solemn Sung Mass of Easter
- 30 MarVigil Mass of Easter
- 29 MarStations of the Cross
- 29 MarPassion of Our Lord
- 28 MarMass of the Last Supper with Adoration at the Alter of Repose
- 26 MarChrism Mass
- 24 MarPalm Sunday
- 17 MarWASO Concert
- 09 MarMass for the Day of the Unborn Child
- 22 FebRite of Election of Catechumens
- 16 FebBJ Hickey Scholarship Winners
- 15 FebMercedes College Family Mass
- 14 FebAsh Wednesday
- 30 JanMercedes College Opening Mass
- 29 JanCEWA Commissioning Mass
- 28 JanSto-Nino Mass
- 15 JanKCLA Graduation Mass for Class of 2023
- 14 JanCroatian Mass
- 25 DecMidnight Mass
- 25 DecChristmas Day High Mass
- 24 DecChildren’s Nativity Mass
- 08 DecMass of the Immaculate Conception
- 08 DecArchdiocesan Staff Christmas Mass
- 24 NovCSSWA Employee & Volunteer of the Year Awards
- 23 NovMass for Deceased Priests
- 08 NovCathedral Volunteers Thank You Function
- 02 NovLifeLink Christmas Appeal Launch
- 26 OctCEWA Catechist Team Commissioning Mass
- 20 OctMater Dei Graduation Mass
- 19 OctCorpus Christi Graduation Mass
- 15 OctAboriginal Sunday Mass
- 24 SepWorld Prayer Assembly (Ecumenical)
- 24 SepAdult Confirmation Mass
- 22 SepMercedes College Mercy Day Mass
- 17 SepSt John Bosco Relics
- 12 SepFr Glynn Blessing Prayer Cards
- 10 SepChild Protection Sunday Mass
- 10 SepAve Maria Recital
- 08 SepMass with Presentation of Rosary Bouquet
- 06 SepNational Child Protection Week Morning Tea
- 28 AugMass for Catholic Health Australia
- 26 AugKnights of the Southern Cross Mens Night
- 25 AugIrene McCormack Catholic College Blessing
- 24 AugCatholic Assistant Principals Association Mass
- 19 AugVigil Mass with First Holy Communions
- 19 AugMarriage Day Mass
- 15 AugFeast of the Assumption
- 30 JulWASO Concert
- 24 JulSecondary Sacred Choral Section
- 23 JulOrchestral Mass
- 20 JulPraise and Worship Celebration
- 19 JulAgency Thanksgiving Mass
- 09 JulWorld Youth Day Commissioning Mass
- 25 JunMass with Choristers Ribbon Award Ceremony
- 17 JunOrdination of Deacon Sheldon Burke
- 04 JunDiocesan Assembly Mass
- 02 JunOrdination of Rev Andres Filipe Cortes
- 28 MayConfirmations Mass
- 21 MayUWA Cathedral Concert
- 14 MayVolunteers Thanksgiving Mass
- 04 MayWAAPA Concert
- 16 AprCathedral Concert – Johan Vexo Organ Recital
- 09 AprSolemn Sung Mass of Easter
- 08 AprVigil Mass of Easter
- 07 AprThe Passion
- 06 AprMass of the Last Supper
- 04 AprChrism Mass
- 02 AprPalm Sunday Mass
- 24 MarPriestly Ordination of Nicholas Diedler
- 18 MarDay of the Unborn Child Mass
- 02 MarRite of Election
- 24 FebIntercessory Prayer Service for Peace in Ukraine
- 15 FebBJ Hickey Scholarship Awards
- 11 FebAnti Slavery BBQ
- 31 JanMercedes College Opening Mass
- 31 JanCEWA Annual Commencement Mass
- 15 JanSto-Nino Mass
- 25 DecChristmas Day Mass
- 25 DecMidnight Solemn Pontifical Mass
- 24 DecChildren’s and Families Nativity Mass
- 13 DecUniversity of Notre Dame Graduation Mass
- 25 NovCSSWA Mass and Awards
- 24 NovMass for Deceased Priests
- 20 NovWYD 2023 Perth Launch
- 19 NovCathedral Volunteers Thank You Function
- 18 NovDivine Mercy College Graduation Mass
- 03 NovArchbishop’s Liturgical Launch Christmas Appeal
- 30 OctConcert with Winthrop Singers
- 21 OctMater Dei College Graduation Mass
- 20 OctCorpus Christi Graduation Mass
- 17 OctMercedes College Graduation Mass
- 16 OctSt Mary’s Choir with Perth Undergraduate Choral Society
- 16 OctAboriginal Sunday Mass
- 15 OctKnights of the Holy Sepulchre Investiture Mass
- 14 OctKnights of the Holy Sepulchre Vigil Service
- 13 OctInterfaith Service
- 23 SepMercedes College Mercy Day Mass
- 11 SepQueen Elizabeth Commemoration Mass
- 11 SepChild Protection Week Morning Tea
- 28 AugUWA Concert
- 20 AugArchdiocesan Marriage Mass
- 18 AugOrdination to Diaconate of Andres Felipe Cortes Fernandez
- 18 AugAgencies Thanksgiving Mass
- 13 AugConfirmation Mass
- 12 AugOrdination of Rev Grzegorz Racpewicz
- 26 JulSecondary Sacred Choral Section
- 24 JulOrchestral Mass
- 21 JulOpening Mass 33rd Catholic Performing Arts Festival
- 10 JulNotre Dame Graduation Mass
- 07 JulCathedral Sausage Sizzle
- 26 JunApostolic Nuncio Celebrating Mass
- 18 JunMorning Tea for Ukrainian Families
- 04 JunCardinal Souraphiel Mass
- 29 MayItalian Community Mass
- 19 MayArchbishop’s Secondary Schools LifeLink Day Webcast Launch 2022
- 15 MayVolunteers Mass
- 05 MayWAAPA Concert
- 17 AprSolumn Sung Mass Easter Sunday
- 16 AprVigil Mass of Easter
- 15 AprThe Passion
- 14 AprMass of the Last Supper
- 12 AprChrism Mass
- 10 AprPalm Sunday
- 27 MarUkrainian Bishop Divine Liturgy
- 26 MarPregnancy Assistance Mass
- 10 MarRite of Election
- 02 MarArchbishop Costelloe SDB Celebrates Ash Wednesday with Rev Fr Ihor
- 12 FebKSCWA 100th Anniversary Mass
- 01 FebMercedes College
Commencement Mass - 27 JanCEWA Commencement Mass
- 17 JanKSCWA Leadership Academy
Graduation - 16 JanSto Nino Mass
- 09 JanCroatian Mass
- 07 JanFilipino Aid Concert – Typhoon Odette
- 12 DecMass with Ribbons Presentations
- 07 DecCathedral Book Launch
- 02 NovArchbishop’s Liturgical Launch
- 24 OctCultural and Diversity Mass
- 22 OctMater Dei Graduation Mass
- 21 OctCorpus Christi Graduation Mass
- 18 OctMercedes College Graduation Mass
- 17 OctWASO Concert
- 03 OctPlenary Opening Mass
- 24 SepMercedes College Mercy Day Mass
- 19 SepAve Maria Recital
- 19 SepAdmission of New Choristers
- 08 SepBeatification of Francis Jordon
- 28 AugMarriage Day Mass
- 22 AugConfirmations Mass
- 12 AugDiaconate Ordination
- 01 AugNAIDOC Mass
- 25 JulOrchestral Mass
- 22 Jul32nd Annual Performing Arts Mass
- 12 JulNotre Dame Graduation Mass
- 12 JulArchdiocesan Agencies Mass
- 12 JulNotre Dame Graduation Mass
- 20 JunCommissioning Mass for Plenary Council Members
- 18 JunCEWA Schools Advisory Council Conference Mass
- 17 JunCentenary Mass of Mary’s Mount
- 06 JunItalian Community Mass
- 04 JunHoly Cross College Staff Faith Day
- 24 May200 Years Catholic Education Celebration
- 23 MayConfirmations Mass
- 20 May2021 Archbishop’s Forum for Secondary Schools
- 16 MayCSSWA Volunteers Mass
- 09 MayPrayers for India and Mother’s Day Mass
- 04 AprEaster Sunday Mass
- 03 AprEaster Vigil
- 02 AprThe Passion
- 02 AprStations of the Cross
- 02 AprSeven Last Words
- 01 AprMass of the Last Supper
- 28 MarPalm Sunday Mass
- 25 MarWAAPA Concert
- 21 MarWASO Concert
- 17 MarSt Patrick’s Day Mass
- 09 MarMercedes College 175th Anniversary
- 08 MarInternational Women’s Day
- 26 FebBJ Hickey Scholarship Awards
- 25 FebRCIA Rite of Election
- 30 JanKnights of the Holy Sepulchre Mass
- 28 JanCEWA Mass
- 18 JanKSCWA Mass and Function
- 20 DecHeads of Churches
- 18 DecOrdination Mass – Br Reginald Chua
- 04 Dec60th Anniversary Fr Thi Pham’s Parents
- 20 NovVolunteers Function
- 18 NovCSSWA Employee & Volunteer Awards
- 15 NovCathedral Concert
- 07 NovConfirmation Mass
- 06 NovTony and Sue, Victor and Volunteers
- 03 NovArchbishop’s Liturgical Service for Parish Priests and Appeal Reps
- 25 OctNAIDOC Mass and Smoking Ceremony
- 23 OctMater Dei College Graduation Mass
- 22 OctCorpus Christi Graduation Mass
- 20 OctCultural Diversity Mass
- 19 OctMercedes College Graduation Mass
- 06 OctArchbishop’s Cathedral Book function
- 04 OctCommissioning of Plenary Delegates Mass
- 20 SepNew Organ Scholar & Choristers
- 18 SepOfficial Opening and Blessing – The Shopfront
- 17 SepCatholic Arts Festival Opening Mass
- 13 SepChild Protection Safeguarding Awards
- 30 AugFirst Holy Communion Mass
- 29 AugRCIA Mass
- 26 JulOrchestral Mass
- 07 JulWilletton Advocacy Group Meeting
- 02 JulArchdiocesan Agencies Mass
- 05 MarRite of Election
- 11 FebMercedes College Family Mass
- 31 JanCEWA Commissioning Mass
- 26 JanBushfires Appeal Mass
- 20 JanKSCWA Leadership Graduation Mass