Welcome !!

Welcome to the Director of Music’s blog !!

We are very excited to have our new Cathedral website up and running – and it’s most exciting to also have this blog through which I’m looking forward to sharing details and reflections about the music-making in our liturgies, concerts and special music events.

Music is often termed as being a ‘universal language’ – through music in our liturgies and concerts we reach out to the wider community – indeed, our music is truly a wonderful ‘outreach’ connecting the Cathedral to the community of Perth.

The Sacrosanctum Concilium (Vatican II) states that in the Church’s musical tradition, a ‘treasure of inestimable value’ is contained. Further, it mentions the pipe organ and states that it has the capacity to ‘lift up men’s minds in a remarkable way to God and the things on high’. On reflection, this could apply not just to the pipe organ – but to all of us musicians. Therefore, may all our music-making be thus: which is a both a challenge and, indeed, a goal – to lift ourselves and all who visit St Mary’s Cathedral to God and the things on high.

I very much look forward to sharing this blog (and this journey of prayerfulness) with you all !!

God bless !!
