Vale Lindsay Evans

4th May, 2021

It’s with a great deal of sadness that we share the very sad news of the passing away of our beloved bell-ringer Lindsay Evans.

Lindsay has been the bell-ringer here at St Mary’s Cathedral for around 30 years and a parishioner for many decades. A person of great integrity and quiet, strong faith which was reflected in many ways – including in his dedication to the Cathedral through his bell-ringing – rain hail or shine, Lindsay was here each Sun morning for many years ringing for Our Lord and his Blessed Mother.

A veteran of the professional music scene in Perth Lindsay was a person of many talents: he travelled overseas in his younger days to play with cabaret bands and spent many years teaching percussion in Perth; he was also a composer and a poet. Lindsay was an amazing member of our Music Programme who particularly admired the work of the Cathedral Choir and our Cathedral musicians – always supportive and delighted with the progress and accomplishments of our younger musicians.

We will miss his dedication, his absolutely infectious smile and personality, his wit and inimitable sense of humour and the wonderful support and friendship he gave all of us – thank you so much Lindsay !!!


Eternal rest grant unto him, O Lord and may perpetual light shine upon him

May he rest in peace. Amen