Our young choristers speak about Mass

19th August, 2020

Following the closure of the Cathedral during the past few months, it has been wonderful to be back in the Cathedral for Mass and for our choir to be able to sing at Mass once again – here are some thoughts from our young choristers about their return to sing for Mass:

‘I am so so happy that we are back singing at St Mary’s Cathedral Perth because I have really missed it! Going to Mass and getting closer to God is something I strive to do and I’m looking forward to singing at our Cathedral once again.’ – Luca Sorci

For me the Mass is the highest form of worship so as a chorister every piece of music we sing has to be sung in prayer and reverence. – Gian Malabanan

What the Mass means to me, is celebrating Jesus’s first Mass at the last supper, the choir singing for God, and guiding the people at Mass. Saint Leonard of Port Maurice said, “I believe that were it not for the Holy Mass, as of this moment, the world would be in the abyss.” It is nice to be back at Mass singing, and I pray that the experts find a cure for the Covid 19 virus soon. – Leonardo Tanner

To me, I missed the part that we (the choristers) could not attend Mass at the cathedral and sing for the congregation/assembly. I love that all our voices blend in harmony when we sing during the liturgy and enjoy being able to participate as a big choir. – Lucas Vernie

I missed singing with my friends and Jacinta, and I felt I was less holy when I was not singing at the cathedral. Singing makes me pray twice to Jesus and makes me holy and joyful. – Noah Vernie

Mass to me is coming home to my Father, after a long period of absence. It is the feeling of being warmly embraced while celebrating in his greatness. My Father gives me new life and saves my soul. I, and everyone else, should preach the Word, of the important presence of our ever-loving God, so that all of us can rise up to Heaven and become God’s sons and daughters. He gives me hope. And he is the reason why I enjoy singing in the Cathedral Choir. I am lifting up my voice for Him! – Michael Masbate

Let’s continue to lift our hearts, minds and our voices to God – making our music our prayer – and lifting all present ever higher to God !!

