NEWS ITEM – Orchestral Mass 2019

July 31st, 2019

The Cathedral resounded with the sound of over 100 young musicians joining the Cathedral Choir at the 2019 Orchestral Mass which took place on Sunday 28th July at the 11am Solemn Sung Mass.

This year we were especially delighted to welcome students from John Paul College, Kalgoorlie – the first school from regional Western Australia to participate in our Orchestral Mass.

It was also a special delight to welcome students from St Norbert’s College – their Head of Music, Chadwick Beins, was appointed the Cathedral’s very first Organ Scholar (2009-2012) and is also a former Cathedral Chorister.

We congratulate our young musicians and thank them for their efforts and dedication to make this Mass a very prayerful, joyous occasion !!

Photos to come.