The word Stay Home, save you by coronavirus. Vector banner with the text colored rainbow.

Life resumes (sort of)

Life resumes at St Mary’s on Saturday, 6 February, but not quite as we know it. We shall be able to gather as a community once again, but our numbers will be limited to 150. That is significantly smaller than the normal number at our Sunday Masses and may mean that people will be turned away. I would regret such circumstance greatly, but hope that anyone affected will understand that we are required to abide by regulation in force at this time.

The second unusual aspect of our celebrations during this period is that everyone – including the priest – will be wearing a mask throughout the Mass. It is not terribly comfortable, but it is necessary for health reasons and again this is in accord with Government regulation.

Finally, the Cathedral choir will not be leading us at Sunday Mass in order to minimise any health risk to the members of the choir and to the congregation.

Let us all be patient and kind to each other during these testing times. We do all for the common good – for the good of the whole community. Indeed, as disciples, we are called to do it, not just out of obligation, but out of love for our neighbour. God bless.