It was amazing !!

30th July, 2021

The Cathedral was abuzz with the excitement of 115 young musicians as they prepared for the Orchestral Mass 2021 held this past Sunday (25th July).

It was a very special moment as all the musicians filed into the Cathedral, the orchestra tuned up and we got underway !!

This year 16 schools were represented – with a further 6 from amongst the various schools the Cathedral Choristers come from which made the grand total of schools represented 22.

It was also wonderful to welcome proud parents and school staff of the various schools – a wonderful moment (12 months in the making) to be treasured by all !!


Well done to our orchestra, choristers, our hard-working Talent Scout Crew and all who helped to make this a prayerful, memorable occasion !!



May God bless all of you abundantly – and may our blessed Mother always watch over us !!

