In remembrance – Neil, Scott and Ian

22nd February, 2021

Remembering with great sadness the destruction in Christchurch 10 years ago on this day – especially remembering 3 special people: Neil Stocker, Scott Lucy and Ian Dunlop – workers of the South Island Organ Company (SIOC) who died whilst working dismantling a pipe organ at the Durham St Methodist Church which was totally destroyed in the earthquake that day.

Neil Stocker (far right) working on the Cathedral’s Grand pipe organ during its installation in 2009 – the base of the organ’s framework can be seen here

Neil was the foreman of SIOC and was very closely involved in the restoration and rebuilding of our two pipe organs here at St Mary’s Cathedral – he also was in Perth at St Mary’s working on the installation of the two instruments during September-December 2009. Scott was also here at St Mary’s to work on the installation – he was particularly involved with the restoration of our Chancel organ: a historic New Zealand instrument built in 1905 by Arthur Hobday (1851 – 1912).

John Hargraves and Jacinta pictured with workers from SIOC at the completion of the Chancel organ’s installation in October 2009 (Scott Lucy standing 3rd from right at rear)

We thank them so much for their incredible work and dedication not just here at St Mary’s but also on instruments throughout Australia and New Zealand.

Eternal rest grant unto them, O Lord.

And may perpetual light shine upon them.

May they rest In peace. Amen.