Existed from eternity…before the earth was made…

24th December, 2020

Having just recently celebrated the Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception, we find ourselves basking in this great mystery of such gladness and joy as we are on the threshold of Christmas – God’s promise finally coming to fruition – the Incarnation drawing ever near.

The Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception is also our Cathedral’s patronal feast so this day is especially significant for us here at St Mary’s Cathedral and it’s wonderful to celebrate this feast as we walk through Advent.

Amongst the many antiphons of this Solemnity, are the 2nd Vespers antiphons derived from the ancient prayer to Our Lady: Tota pulchra es Maria.

Derived from a prayer dating back to the 4th century, these chant antiphons form like a string of pearls for our Blessed Mother: priceless items; their beauty hailing her who is the chosen one from all eternity to bear the Christ-Child.

The melodies of these antiphons themselves have a gentle dance like feel – and in the hands of 20th century composer Maurice Durufle they are set in a beautiful framework further highlighting their sense of joy and vivacity – reminiscent of the painting of the Immaculate Conception by Spanish artist Bartolome Esteban Murillo, a copy of which adorns Our Lady’s Chapel in our Cathedral. Observing this image, we see Our Lady’s gaze is upward towards the Holy Trinity; and she is surrounded by numerous angels – her gaze at the Trinity is serene but really the entire painting, the entire scene is dynamic – as though billowing ever upwards.

Durufle masterfully captures the vivacity of the chant melodies and interweaves these melodies into a playful tapestry. Notice how he utilises the alto part to further incite the upper treble parts to action – it also features short ‘phraselets’ billowing up – and notice that Durufle ends this piece, this playful dance, on an open fifth – neither major nor minor, even though he has throughout the composition implied a minor tonality.

This is quite a striking conclusion catching the attention of the listener as the melodic strands finally come to rest – and the texture almost implodes.

This piece is almost like a joyful dance of eternity at the arrival into creation of her through whom God was to become man. It’s almost echoing that passage of scripture: which the Church has traditionally thought to allude Our Lady: I was there from all eternity…forming all things with him, playing before him (Proverbs 8: 22-35) – and possibly also echoing the opening of St John’s Gospel ‘In the beginning was the Word…’ which we hear on Christmas Day.

May our Blessed Mother, the ‘Tota pulchra’ through whom God became man always watch over us – that we glean many priceless spiritual treasures from the mysteries we celebrate at Christmas.


You are all beautiful, Mary, and there is no stain in you.

You are the glory of Jerusalem

The glory of our people,

O Mary, conceived without sin,

Pray for us – and our ailing world – who have recourse to thee.


Wishing you all a happy and holy Christmas !!



