Clothed with the sun…

21st August, 2020

What an awesome image – a woman clothed with the sun…the moon beneath her feet…

This image and the constant theme of angelic rejoicing helps to give us a powerful picture of what we are celebrating when we celebrate the Solemnity of Our Lady’s Assumption – our heavenly Mother assumed body and soul into heavenly glory.

The Church also gives us another feast eight days later linked to the Assumption – the Queenship of Mary – thus forming an octave. And so, finding ourselves in this Marian octave, let’s take a look at the musical treasures the Church gifts us with to celebrate these great days.

A recurring theme of the antiphons of this Solemnity is the jubilation of angels – in fact, many of the antiphons of the Offices of this Solemnity echo and re-echo this rejoicing of the angelic chorus.

And this theme of great celestial  jubilation also echoes through the antiphons of the Mass – even the Gospel acclamation (Day Mass) states that Mary is assumed into heaven and the ‘army’ of angels rejoices (exercitus) rejoices – what amazing images of an army rejoicing !!…it’s somewhat reminiscent of the passage of scripture which is often taken as pertaining prophetically to Our Lady: ‘who is this arising like the dawn, fair as the moon, resplendent as the sun, awe-inspiring as an army in battle array’ (Song of songs 6:10) – interestingly, this biblical verse finds its way into the Offices of this solemnity appearing as the first chant antiphon of 1st Vespers.

Perhaps one of my favourite antiphons of this feast is the Offertory antiphon of the (Day) Mass – it, again, echoes the angelic jubilation at Mary’s assumption – the vibrant, yet graceful melody somehow opens up to us a vision of a cosmic realm far beyond our imagining: notice the melody on ‘caelum’ (heaven) – it rises up into the upper echelon of the melody’s range – the ambitus of this chant  is very large especially on the words ‘gaudent angeli’ (angels rejoicing) reflecting the magnificent jubilation resounding through the entire cosmos – notice at one point the melody traverses an octave in the space of only eight notes !

So, in pondering on these morsels of scripture and brief musical masterpieces, let’s draw closer to Mary – perhaps especially at this time in our history we need to pray to her, who is clothed with the sun, to lead us out of darkness – and bring us closer to her Son.
