Anzac Day ’24 retrospect

26th April 2024

Anzac Day 2024. It was a beautiful day of remembrance in the Cathedral – our Angelus bell tolled once for each of the West Australians who died at Gallipoli on this day in 1915.

And amongst the music the Mass our Vocal Ensemble sang works of Australian and New Zealand composers signifying the unity of our two countries in the ANZAC spirit: Christopher Willcock’s We will remember them (written in 2015 for the centenary of the Gallipoli landing) and In Flanders Fields of New Zealand composer David Hamilton.

And during the Mass I thought to myself: how many people have prayed here in the Cathedral during times of war… praying for the safe return of their sons, brothers, fathers, husbands…and how many memorial Masses have been held here for those who unfortunately never came home. She is indeed a witness to these poignant and heartfelt moments.

Lest we forget.

Eternal rest grant unto them, O Lord, and may perpetual light shine upon them.

May they rest in peace.