On this day – 29th January

29th January, 2021

On this day in 1865, the first Cathedral built in Victoria Square (the site of our present Cathedral) was solemnly dedicated and opened.

It was a Sunday – and the celebrations began with the Solemn High Mass at 10:30am and continued with Solemn Vespers at 5pm. One can only imagine the great excitement of the Catholic community on this summer Sunday as their new Cathedral was now complete and ready to welcome them, calling them to worship and prayer – all dressed in their Sunday best walking through the Cathedral’s doors for the very first time…praying here for the very first time…admiring the new building and inspired by its beauty – the press of that day described it as being ‘large and handsomely fitted up, much resembling similar places of worship in far more populated communities’ (Perth Gazette and WA Times, 3rd February, 1865)

It was the culmination of the tireless and magnificent efforts of Bishop Martin Griver (1814 – 1886) 2nd Bishop of Perth and a Spanish Benedictine.

Musically speaking, the Cathedral had no pipe organ at this point, but it is recorded that a Mass of Samuel Webbe (1740 – 1816) was sung at the Solemn High Mass.

So it was most fitting that we remembered this day with some music at Mass today including the original chant version of Bishop Griver’s episcopal motto: ‘Sub Tuum praesidium’: an ancient prayer to Our Lady asking for her protection; and a setting of ‘Adoro Te’ composed by another Spanish Benedictine: West Australia’s own Dom Stephen Moreno (1889 – 1953)

The only part of this original building still in existence is the western-most section which houses the choir-loft and features the western façade with Our Lady’s statue overlooking the city of Perth.

And as she, our Patroness, watches over Perth, her gaze directed prayerfully upwards towards God, let us pray to her to watch over us, our Cathedral, our society and the Church.

And as we give thanks for the efforts and achievements of our forebears, let us meditate on the text from the noble chant entrance antiphon (Introit) from the liturgy of the Dedication of a church:

This place is dedicated to God; it is his temple and the gate of heaven

