Some more thoughts from our young choristers

1st September, 2020

After some poignant thoughts shared recently by our young choristers regarding the Mass, here are some more:

The Mass is very important to me because it is where all Christians nourish themselves with the Eucharist, the Liturgy of the Word, and the music that we sing to help the congregation pray twice. Not going to Mass in a long period of time really affected me because I could not attend Mass and be close to God in the house of prayer. Although I have not attended Mass physically it was good that there were live-streams that helped us received Jesus spiritually and I am very excited to be back singing in the Cathedral helping the congregation pray twice’. – Kizito Mutoya

A Dei majorem Gloria !!

‘It was very hard working from home because of our internet. It was hard to really interact with each other, but it did give us a chance to learn the piece by ourselves, so we sang by ourselves. I think the Mass is very important to me because it represents who we are, and we are Catholics’. – Alphons Joseph

The Cathedral Choir sings at the 11am Solemn Sung Mass on Sundays at St Mary’s Cathedral – please do come and join us as we help make each one these a prayerful, joyous occasion – and be truly inspired by the incredible young talent dedicated to the service of God – lifting our minds hearts ever higher to Him.
