So, what does the Mass mean to me?

May 22nd, 2020

Over this past period when public Masses have been suspended in many parts of the world, it has somehow promoted much prayer, introspection and thought.

As a musician, what does the Mass mean to me?

Sacrosanctum Concilium states that music occupies ‘a place higher than that of other art forms…and constitutes a necessary and integral part of solemn liturgy’ (Art 112). So therefore, it would follow that what I am doing as a musician is something actually quite profound and of great importance – I am not simply ‘playing at Mass’.

Being mindful of this, do I prepare my music diligently to the very best of my ability conscious that every Mass is a grace-filled moment specifically gifted to me and all present by Jesus Himself? my rehearsal a real preparation for Mass or merely practicing the music?…and when I play, does the music pour from my hands as a prayer? Do I help to immerse all the faithful present into a deeper experience of the Mass? Or am I merely producing efficiently, well-rehearsed sounds?

Thinking about these things calls to mind some truly remarkable quotes from saints about the Mass – take St John Vianney, for example, who said ‘If we truly understood the Mass we would die of joy’. And take St Padre Pio who said that the ‘earth can more easily exist without the sun than without the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass’ – thinking about these saints’ insights, do I approach the Mass like this? As though this is, indeed, the most important thing I do?

If it is the ‘source and summit’ as our documents say, then surely it must be the source and summit of my life – I need to bring it my best !! Do I really appreciate that every opportunity I have to be at Mass and to help others experience it more

Photo: J Jakovcevic

is a stupendous gift from the Eucharistic Jesus, Himself – and just as He who knows the ‘number of the stars and calls each one by its name’ (Ps 147: 4) and knows even the ‘numbers of hairs on our heads’ (Matt 10:30), He has specially given me each one of these opportunities…and indeed knows how many Masses I will be at in my life…

Thinking about all this, it would follow that this it truly the most important thing I do not just as a musician, but indeed as a human being – and yet as a musician, I am called to minister to it – what a responsibility !! I bring it my ‘finest gold and silver’ – the very best I can give !! – and my art and my whole life really must be oriented towards it just like the sunflower is towards the sun…so my art and my life must be oriented towards the Son…

This somehow prompts further thought…do I realise the true importance of my ministry?..

Is all of this really, truly important to me?…

Do I really love the Mass?…

What does the Mass really mean to me?..

