Health measures at St Mary’s

For the comfort of all who come to St Mary’s Cathedral the following measures will be in effect until further notice (these are in accord with Archdiocesan directive issued on 4 March for all parishes):

  • The baptismal font and holy water stoups will remain empty
  • The chalice will not be ministered to other ministers and the congregation at holy communion
  • There will not be the sign of peace at Mass
  • Extraordinary ministers are asked to cleanse their hands with the provided sanitiser before and after distributing Communion.
  • We are asking people to please receive Communion in the hand because receiving Communion on the tongue increases the risk to other members of the community. Reports would indicate that covid19 is primarily spread through respiratory droplets and touching infected surfaces or objects.


In addition the Archdiocesan Directive has the following advice:

The Health Department of Western Australia has advised that travellers returning from overseas, and anyone feeling unwell, should;
1.    Self-monitor for symptoms of COVID-19 (urinary tract or gastrointestinal symptoms)
2.    Practice social distancing
2.1.   Avoid crowds and gatherings
2.2.   Maintain a distance of 1.5 meters between themselves and other people
3.    Immediately isolate themselves if they become unwell (recommended treatment is paracetamol and oral fluids) and seek medical help.

Congregational Awareness and Fulfilment of the Normal Obligation:
1.    Parishioners who feel unwell should not attend Mass, and are excused from their normal obligation.
2.    Parishioners who feel they may be at risk of infection if they go to Mass should refrain from attending     Mass and are excused their normal obligation.
3.    Priests and parishioners who attend Mass should practice good hygiene (cover mouths and noses when sneezing, coughing etc), refrain from touching their face or mouth, and refrain from shaking hands with others before or after Mass.

The full Archdiocesan directive can be read here.

The WA Department of Health has an information page.