Liturgy and worship

I have been moved by the participation of the people in the Cathedral liturgies. At the heart of the life of the Cathedral community is the liturgy.

Active participation is, after all, at the heart of the liturgical reforms of the Second Vatican Council. At a General Audience on 17 March 1965, Pope Paul VI said

We should not think that after a while there can be a return to the former, undisturbed devotion or apathy. No, the new way of doing things will have to be different; it will have to prevent and to shake up the passivity of the people present at Mass. Before, it was enough to assist; now, it is necessary to take part. Before, being there was enough; now, attention and activity are required. Before, everyone could doze or perhaps even chatter; now all must listen and pray…. The assembly becomes alive and active; taking part means allowing the soul to become attentive, to enter into the dialogue, to sing, to act. The unity of a community action, consisting not only of outward gestures but also of an inner movement of faith and devotion, invests the rite with a special power and beauty. The rite thereby becomes a chorus, a concert; it takes on the rhythm of giant wings, soaring toward the heights of joy and of the divine mysteries.

Soaring words from Blessed Paul VI. May we all see ourselves as participants and not just bystanders at the liturgy. May we all respond to the dialogue which is the liturgy; in this dialogue God speaks and listens to us, his holy people.