10 years on…

As I write this I’m heading back to Perth having played a recital at St Andrew’s Cathedral in Sydney.

I remember first seeing this pipe organ a few years ago – I walked into St Andrew’s and I knew what it looked like as I had seen photographs of it – I think it certainly is one of Australia’s visually iconic instruments – I looked around and then noticed it with its striking colours – what a handsome looking instrument !!

Being there in Sydney I also remembered the wonderful events of exactly 10 years ago – World Youth Day 2008. Who can forget the very prayerful Papal Vigil, the Stations of the Cross which brought the whole of Sydney to a reflective standstill – and the 300 strong massed choir and orchestra of young people…

…What a wonderful witness for Christ to our society !!

And as we approach our 2018 Orchestral Mass on Sunday 29th July (11am Mass) I hope and pray that this, also, is seen by our young musicians as an occasion of togetherness and drawing closer to Our Lord as we acclaim him with our musical talents.

May he bless our endeavours as we sing his praises !!

