Some more thoughts from our young choristers

1st September, 2020 After some poignant thoughts shared recently by our young choristers regarding the Mass, here are some more: ‘The Mass is very important to me because it is where all Christians ...

Social Justice Sunday

We celebrate Social Justice Sunday on 30 August. This year, the Australian Bishops’ Social Justice Statement is titled: To Live Life to the Full: Mental health in Australia today. The ...

Clothed with the sun…

21st August, 2020 What an awesome image - a woman clothed with the sun...the moon beneath her feet... This image and the constant theme of angelic rejoicing helps to give us a ...

Our young choristers speak about Mass

19th August, 2020 Following the closure of the Cathedral during the past few months, it has been wonderful to be back in the Cathedral for Mass and for our choir to ...